It is the policy of Heritage Health to admit and to treat all residents and employees without regard to race, color, or national origin. There is no distinction in eligibility for or in the manner of providing, any resident service provided by or through the Home. All facilities of Heritage Health are available without distinction to all residents, visitors, and employees regarding of race, color, or national origin. All persons and organizations that have occasion to either refer residents for admission or recommend Heritage Health are advised to do so without regard to race, color, or national origin.
Why Choose Us
“Staff was awesome – always friendly, never in a hurried manner! Physical therapy and occupational therapy were excellent. We recommend this facility to everyone.
The people in physical therapy were all very nice and helpful. I was weak and in isolation when I arrived, and they got me walking with a walker in no time.
Nurses are very patient with me. They are all friendly and ready to do all they can for me. The therapy staff were helpful and good to work with. There is also a good variety of foods and activities.”
– Resident