When a senior loses motor function due to a medical issue, you can count on the Heritage Health skilled nursing team to provide effective occupational therapy services. Heritage occupational therapy programs are second to none.

Occupational therapy is designed to enable seniors to live more effectively and independently. The therapeutic approach is tailored to each unique individual, where they are and where they would like to be. It focuses on improving day to day life skills that ultimately lead to a higher quality of life. Often, the occupational therapists work in conjunction with our physical therapy team so that seniors can recover and achieve the highest level of independence possible.

Our occupational therapists coach and encourage through the successful completion of everyday tasks like doing laundry, making breakfast, or showering. They help seniors learn new, safe ways of doing things based upon their current condition. This may include helping a senior navigate with a walker or a wheelchair or learning new ways to get in and out of the bathtub safely. Seniors can gain techniques and confidence, along with careful supervision in a controlled environment, to ensure that they’re ready to return home.

As your senior builds independence, it is essential to consider activities they will need to navigate once they’ve returned home. Living Skills Retraining is part of the on-site occupational therapy program at Heritage. The program’s focus is everyday activities around the home, such as kitchen duties, laundry, bathing/personal hygiene, and leisure activities. With assistance, personal coaching, and professional instruction, tasks are relearned, and independence can be accomplished!  Specialized occupational therapy retraining centers are offered at many locations. In addition, some Heritage locations offer private suites. These are helpful, as some of the occupational therapy programs can be completed in comfort and privacy. All occupational therapy programs are highly customized; we want seniors to live the life they love.

Before returning home, our occupational therapists will go to the senior’s home to complete a home assessment to ensure a safe and successful return. The therapist observes the living area, scans for potential safety hazards, and assists with setting up any new or necessary equipment. They run through daily tasks with the resident in their home and will provide feedback and instruction so these tasks can be effectively completed. The program’s goal is a return to everyday life with safety and self-confidence.